Vedas were compiled in such a way that the prayers (suktas) have specific purposes to be used in a Yajna. Rigveda is to invite deities to the Yajna venue, it has prayers for this purposes, and is the oldest collection of mantras. Once the deities are arrived as guests, the hosts (Yajamanas, the priests) have to receive them and please them with songs. That is what Samaveda for. 95% of mantras in Sama veda are from Rigveda only, but chanted in musical tones. The yajna itself is giving donations, havis to the deities. That needs several things like different instruments to prepare havis, somam (the juice of soma plant), Yajna venue, measurements of the vedi (stage), homakundam etc. These information together with mantras to pour havis in agni is the content of Yajurveda. Again a good part of the mantras in Yajurveda is from Rigveda, but with "swaha" at the end when pouring the havis in agni.Adharva veda deals with the health of the priests, how the venues are to be prepared, the astrological good and bad timings etc. More over, it has mantras to keep evils away from the yajna venue, which were used later on for black magic purposes. There is nothing mysterious in this veda, but mantras for removing deceases and evils from a sick man or a place. That is why ayurveda is inherently a part of Adharva veda. Since its content is more materialistic than spiritual, Adharva veda is considered lower to the other three.
The civilization we crossed through.....
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
BELL: Most of the old temples have large bell at the entrance of the temple and you need to ring it before you enter temple. A Temple bell is another scientific phenomena; it is not just your ordinary metal. It is made of various metals including cadmium, lead, copper, zinc, nickel, chromium and. manganese. The proportion at which each one of them mixed is real science behind a bell. Each of these bells is made to produce such a distinct sound that it can create unity of your left and right brain. The moment you ring that bell, bell produces sharp but lasting sound which lasts for minimum of seven seconds in echo mode good enough to touch your seven healing centers or chakras in your body. The moment bell sound happens your brain is emptied of all thoughts. Invariably you will enter state of Tran’s state where you are very receptive. This Trans state is the one with awareness. You are so occupied in mind that only way to awaken you is with a Shock
DIYA: when u light a diya and perform the hindu ritual of thrataka which is observing the lamp from a distance of about 2 feets and as far as possible without blinking increases the eye power.The impression of the object falls on the optic nerves. The shadow of the object falls on the eyes and then on the retina. The optic nerves of the retina are connected by the sensory nerves with the brain. The brain has several centres which are connected with the optic nerves. These centres receive information through the optic nerves and send out commands. Many of these centres are asleep or inactive. Trataka does not merely increase the function of perception. Through the medium of perception, the centres of the brain which remain inactive in an ordinary person are awakened. Man is capable of becoming a superman if he is able to awaken and activate those glands and nerve centres which in the natural course of evolution are in an inactive state.
Friday, September 18, 2009
From the beginning of the 4th millennium BC, the individuality of the early village cultures began to be replaced by a more homogenous style of existence. By the middle of the 3rd millennium, a uniform culture had developed at settlements spread across nearly 500,000 square miles, including parts of Punjab, Uttar Prades
h, Gujarat, Baluchistan, Sind and the Makran coast.
This earliest known civilisation in India, the starting point in its history, dates back to about 3000 BC. Discovered in the 1920s, it was thought to have been confined to the valley of the river Indus, hence the name given to it was Indus Valley civilisation. This civilisation was a highly developed urban one and two of its towns, Mohenjodaro and Harappa, represent the high watermark of the settlements. Subsequent archaeological excavations established that the contours of this civilisation were not restricted to the Indus valley but spread to a wide area in northwestern and western India. Thus this civilisation is now better known as the Harappan civilisation. Mohenjodaro and Harappa are now in Pakistan and the principal sites in India include Ropar in Punjab, Lothal in Gujarat and Kalibangan in Rajasthan.
From the beginning of the 4th millennium BC, the individuality of the early village cultures began to be replaced by a more homogenous style of existence. By the middle of the 3rd millennium, a uniform culture had developed at settlements spread across nearly 500,000 square miles, including parts of Punjab, Uttar Prades

This earliest known civilisation in India, the starting point in its history, dates back to about 3000 BC. Discovered in the 1920s, it was thought to have been confined to the valley of the river Indus, hence the name given to it was Indus Valley civilisation. This civilisation was a highly developed urban one and two of its towns, Mohenjodaro and Harappa, represent the high watermark of the settlements. Subsequent archaeological excavations established that the contours of this civilisation were not restricted to the Indus valley but spread to a wide area in northwestern and western India. Thus this civilisation is now better known as the Harappan civilisation. Mohenjodaro and Harappa are now in Pakistan and the principal sites in India include Ropar in Punjab, Lothal in Gujarat and Kalibangan in Rajasthan.
Monday, August 3, 2009

Most of us know the myth of Rahu Ketu eating sun,moon as the reason for eclipse.This makes us think that Hinduism is all about myths and superstition.
To break one such myth or superstition,let me tell you the story of rahu ketu was for comman man.
The real scientific meaning of Rahu is North Node,and Ketu - South node.The Moon's orbit and the earth's orbit intersect and these two intersecting points are known as North Node (Rahu) and the South Node (Ketu).
We observe eclipses when there is such an intersection of the orbits at these nodes.
adding some more to the same topic:
The moon's apparent path intersects the ecliptic obliquely at two points called nodes.This is similar to the sun's path or the ecliptic intersecting the equator at an oblique angle.The point where the moon crosses the ecliptic from south to north is called the ascending node or rahu. Where it crosses the ecliptic from north to south is called the descending node or ketu.These two points are six signs or 180 degrees apart. Just as the equinoctial point shifts westwards on the ecliptic at a constantly shifting point.Thus rahu and ketu go on receding or shifting westward along the ecliptic. Their movement is therefore constantly retrograde.They complete one round of the zodiac in approximately eighteen years and ten days.
Rahu and ketu , though only astronomical points have a special status in vedic astrology. They are treated as graphs or planets, like any other planet.
Rahu is not an actual planet-ball, as the other planets are, but a point in space that is of great influence. The nodes Rahu and Ketu are always opposite each other in the Zodiac. They are calculated from the orbits of the Sun and Moon in relation to the Earth. They are gravitational line up points. They cause the Moon to actually wobble in its orbit.
It is a scientific fact, that when the Moon gets close to the nodes in its real orbit, that it wobbles due to the gravitational pull of the point. So, when in a chart we see that the person was born at a time when the Moon was close to one of the nodes (Rahu or Ketu) that the mind is disturbed, since the Moon rules the mind. This is a fact which you will see played out in the lives of those who have this. Since the nodes occupy two signs, roughly one sixth of the population has this.
However, it is strongest when the Moon is really close to the Node it conjoins- or in other words, when the two are close by degrees within the sign- say within 5 degrees of each other. Then the effects become pronounced.
Rahu and Ketu are also known as the Shadowy Planets or Chhaya Graha, so what does this mean??
All of us know that the Earth Rotates around the Sun. In Astrology we are considering a birth on the planet Earth!!! so we consider ourselves in a steady state while SUN is rotating around US!!!
So naturally the Earth casts a shadow somewhere in space!!!
We also know that the MOON rotates around the EARTH!!! Now the point where Lunar Path intersects the Solar Path
Friday, July 31, 2009
The art of Navigation--->RigVeda
Concept of indivisible Atoms--->Adi ShankaraCharya
Concept of Pulsating Universe--->RigVeda
Defying Gravity 'n making invisible Objects--->Vimana Shastra
Theory of Energy Conservation--->Karma Theory
Law of Gravitation--->BrahmaGupta
Light rays bend near a massive object--->RigVeda
Distance between the Earth and the Sun--->RigVeda
Distance between the Earth and the Moon--->RigVeda
Evolution of Life--->Manusmriti
Usage of Smallest(1 millionth of second) and largest(~400 Trillion years)
fraction of time--->RigVeda
Taylor Series of Sine 'n Cosine functions--->Madhavacharya
Newton Power Series--->Madhavacharya
Gregory Leibnitz series for the Inverse Tangent--->Madhavacharya
Leibtnitz power series for PI--->Madhavacharya
Time taken by the Earth to orbit the Sun--->Bhaskaracharya
Examples 'n usage of Infinity and Zero--->Bhaskaracharya II
Arithmetic 'n Geometric Progression--->Yajurveda
Gauss Interpolation formula--->GovendaSwamin
Newton Gauss Backward Interpolation formula--->Vateswaracharya
Lhuiler’s formula--->Parameswaracharya
Infinite Geometric Progression convergent series--->Nilakanta
Positive and negative numbers--->Brahmagupta
HelioCentric theory of Gravitation--->Aryabhatta
Value of PI and Pythagorean theorem--->Boudhayana
Algebra, Trigonometry, Calculus, Quadratic equations---> Sridharacharya
Surgery and usage of anaesthesia, surgical instruments--->Maharshi Sushruta
Detailed knowledge of anatomy, physiology, aetiology, embryology, digestion, metabolism, genetics 'n immunity.
Zinc distillation
Drilling of human teeth-->Mehrgarh Culutre
The Art of Sex--->KamaSutra
The oldest names of "astronomical" numbers such as quadrillions and
quintillions ---> RigVeda
The aquatic life precedes the monkey life" and that "the monkey life is the precursor of the human life --> Brihat Vishnu Purana
Chemical processes associated with the dying of textiles and extraction of metals --> Ancient India
The use of mordants (in dyeing) and catalysts (in metal-extraction/purification) --> Ancient India
Arithmetic operations ---> Narad Vishnu Purana
Description about Ellipses ---> Surya Prayapti
Square root of 2, squaring a circle, dividing a segment into seven equal parts ---> Apasthamba's sutra
Irrational numbers ---> Ancient India
Permutations ---> Bhagvati Sutras
combinations ---> Sathananga Sutra
Infinite numbers ---> Anuyoga Dwara Sutra
The law of indices and Base System ---> Anuyoga Dwara Sutra
Knowledge of the tides and the stars ---> Ancient India
Circumference of the Earth and the lenght of the SOlar year and
instantaneous motion of the moon ---> Aryabhatta
Calculation of Sine Function, Lunar Crescent ---> Bhaskar I
Calculation of nCr and solutions to quadratic indeterminate equations ---> Varahamira
Least Common Multiple, Area of an ellipse ---> Mahaviracharya
Ratios, barter, simple interest, mixtures, purchase and sale, rates of travel, wages, and filling of cisterns, arithmetic and geometric progressions, including progressions with fractional numbers or terms, and formulas for the sum of certain finite series ----> Sridhara
Study of the sphere and it's properties and applications to geography, planetary mean motion, eccentric epicyclical model of the planets, first visibilities of the planets, the seasons, the lunar crescent, sin(a + b) = sin a cos b + cos a sin b; sin(a - b) = sin a cos b - cos a sin b;etc ---> Bhaskaracharya
Expansion of the cos and sine functions ---> Madhava
Integer solutions to 21 types of systems of 2 algebraic equations ---> Chitrabhanu
physical properties of different types of plants and natural substances -->Vaisheshikas
Molecular groupings and Molecular/atomic motion and Sound properties like (echos, pitch, tonem harmonics, musical theory) ---> Prasastapada
Concept of Light Illumination ---> Susruta
Wave nature of Light and Sound ---> Chakrapani
Particle nature of Light ---> Mimamsakas
Reflection of Light ---> Varahamihira
Phenomenon of Shadows and opacity of materials ---> Vatsyayana
Refraciton of Light ---> Uddyotakara
Linear, Rotary, Curvilinear motion, quantifications of the laws of motion. --->Prasastapada
Velocity = distance/time --->Bhaskaracharya
Phenomenon of Magnetism --->bhoja
Phenomenon of Electrostatic Attraction, concept of kinetic energy, the process of boiling to evaporation, capillary motion, surface tension, viscosity ---> Shankara Misra
Concept of Solar heat ---> Udayana
Irrigation canals, wells of different types, storage tanks and a variety of water-harvesting techniques ---> Ancient India
Revolving water spray for cooling the air ---> ArthaShastra
A model to predict earthquakes ---> Varahamihira's Brihat Samhita
Architecture of houses and palaces ---> RigVeda
First Calendar ---> Vedas
Elliptical motion of planets around the Sun ---> Aryabhatta
[ Mrujjalashikhivaayumayo Bhoogola: sarvatho vruttha ]
Meaning: Earth which is made of soil, water, fire and air is circular when viewed from all sides. i.e., The Earth is spherical ---> Aryabhatta
[ Bhakthe vilomavivare gathiyogenaanulomavivare dvow, Gathyantharena labdow dviyogakaalaavatheethaishyow ]
Meaning: If two objects are traveling in opposite directions, the time required for them to meet is equal to the distance between them divided by the sum of their speeds. If they travel in the same direction the time that has elapsed equals the distance between them divided by the difference in their speeds --->Aryabhatta
Concept of indivisible Atoms--->Adi ShankaraCharya
Concept of Pulsating Universe--->RigVeda
Defying Gravity 'n making invisible Objects--->Vimana Shastra
Theory of Energy Conservation--->Karma Theory
Law of Gravitation--->BrahmaGupta
Light rays bend near a massive object--->RigVeda
Distance between the Earth and the Sun--->RigVeda
Distance between the Earth and the Moon--->RigVeda
Evolution of Life--->Manusmriti
Usage of Smallest(1 millionth of second) and largest(~400 Trillion years)
fraction of time--->RigVeda
Taylor Series of Sine 'n Cosine functions--->Madhavacharya
Newton Power Series--->Madhavacharya
Gregory Leibnitz series for the Inverse Tangent--->Madhavacharya
Leibtnitz power series for PI--->Madhavacharya
Time taken by the Earth to orbit the Sun--->Bhaskaracharya
Examples 'n usage of Infinity and Zero--->Bhaskaracharya II
Arithmetic 'n Geometric Progression--->Yajurveda
Gauss Interpolation formula--->GovendaSwamin
Newton Gauss Backward Interpolation formula--->Vateswaracharya
Lhuiler’s formula--->Parameswaracharya
Infinite Geometric Progression convergent series--->Nilakanta
Positive and negative numbers--->Brahmagupta
HelioCentric theory of Gravitation--->Aryabhatta
Value of PI and Pythagorean theorem--->Boudhayana
Algebra, Trigonometry, Calculus, Quadratic equations---> Sridharacharya
Surgery and usage of anaesthesia, surgical instruments--->Maharshi Sushruta
Detailed knowledge of anatomy, physiology, aetiology, embryology, digestion, metabolism, genetics 'n immunity.
Zinc distillation
Drilling of human teeth-->Mehrgarh Culutre
The Art of Sex--->KamaSutra
The oldest names of "astronomical" numbers such as quadrillions and
quintillions ---> RigVeda
The aquatic life precedes the monkey life" and that "the monkey life is the precursor of the human life --> Brihat Vishnu Purana
Chemical processes associated with the dying of textiles and extraction of metals --> Ancient India
The use of mordants (in dyeing) and catalysts (in metal-extraction/purification) --> Ancient India
Arithmetic operations ---> Narad Vishnu Purana
Description about Ellipses ---> Surya Prayapti
Square root of 2, squaring a circle, dividing a segment into seven equal parts ---> Apasthamba's sutra
Irrational numbers ---> Ancient India
Permutations ---> Bhagvati Sutras
combinations ---> Sathananga Sutra
Infinite numbers ---> Anuyoga Dwara Sutra
The law of indices and Base System ---> Anuyoga Dwara Sutra
Knowledge of the tides and the stars ---> Ancient India
Circumference of the Earth and the lenght of the SOlar year and
instantaneous motion of the moon ---> Aryabhatta
Calculation of Sine Function, Lunar Crescent ---> Bhaskar I
Calculation of nCr and solutions to quadratic indeterminate equations ---> Varahamira
Least Common Multiple, Area of an ellipse ---> Mahaviracharya
Ratios, barter, simple interest, mixtures, purchase and sale, rates of travel, wages, and filling of cisterns, arithmetic and geometric progressions, including progressions with fractional numbers or terms, and formulas for the sum of certain finite series ----> Sridhara
Study of the sphere and it's properties and applications to geography, planetary mean motion, eccentric epicyclical model of the planets, first visibilities of the planets, the seasons, the lunar crescent, sin(a + b) = sin a cos b + cos a sin b; sin(a - b) = sin a cos b - cos a sin b;etc ---> Bhaskaracharya
Expansion of the cos and sine functions ---> Madhava
Integer solutions to 21 types of systems of 2 algebraic equations ---> Chitrabhanu
physical properties of different types of plants and natural substances -->Vaisheshikas
Molecular groupings and Molecular/atomic motion and Sound properties like (echos, pitch, tonem harmonics, musical theory) ---> Prasastapada
Concept of Light Illumination ---> Susruta
Wave nature of Light and Sound ---> Chakrapani
Particle nature of Light ---> Mimamsakas
Reflection of Light ---> Varahamihira
Phenomenon of Shadows and opacity of materials ---> Vatsyayana
Refraciton of Light ---> Uddyotakara
Linear, Rotary, Curvilinear motion, quantifications of the laws of motion. --->Prasastapada
Velocity = distance/time --->Bhaskaracharya
Phenomenon of Magnetism --->bhoja
Phenomenon of Electrostatic Attraction, concept of kinetic energy, the process of boiling to evaporation, capillary motion, surface tension, viscosity ---> Shankara Misra
Concept of Solar heat ---> Udayana
Irrigation canals, wells of different types, storage tanks and a variety of water-harvesting techniques ---> Ancient India
Revolving water spray for cooling the air ---> ArthaShastra
A model to predict earthquakes ---> Varahamihira's Brihat Samhita
Architecture of houses and palaces ---> RigVeda
First Calendar ---> Vedas
Elliptical motion of planets around the Sun ---> Aryabhatta
[ Mrujjalashikhivaayumayo Bhoogola: sarvatho vruttha ]
Meaning: Earth which is made of soil, water, fire and air is circular when viewed from all sides. i.e., The Earth is spherical ---> Aryabhatta
[ Bhakthe vilomavivare gathiyogenaanulomavivare dvow, Gathyantharena labdow dviyogakaalaavatheethaishyow ]
Meaning: If two objects are traveling in opposite directions, the time required for them to meet is equal to the distance between them divided by the sum of their speeds. If they travel in the same direction the time that has elapsed equals the distance between them divided by the difference in their speeds --->Aryabhatta
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
- The value of "pi" was first calculated by the Indian Mathematician Budhayana, and he explained the concept of what is known as the Pythagorean Theorem. He discovered this in the 6th century, long before the European mathematicians.
- Algebra, Trigonometry and Calculus also originated in India.Quadratic Equations were used by Sridharacharya in the 11th century.
- The largest numbers the Greeks and the Romans used were 106 whereas Hindus used numbers as big as 10*53 (i.e. 10 to the power of 53) with specific names as early as 5000 B.C.during the Vedic period.Even today, the largest used number is Terra: 10*12(10 to the power of 12).
- Until 1896, India was the only source of diamonds in the world (Source: Gemological Institute of America).
- The Baily Bridge is the highest bridge in the world. It is located in the Ladakh valley between the Dras and Suru rivers in the Himalayan mountains. It was built by the Indian Army in August 1982.
- Sushruta is regarded as the Father of Surgery. Over2600 years ago Sushrata & his team conducted complicated surgeries like cataract, artificial limbs, cesareans, fractures, urinary stones, plastic surgery and brain surgeries.
- Usage of anaesthesia was well known in ancient Indian medicine. Detailed knowledge of anatomy, embryology, digestion, metabolism,physiology, etiology, genetics and immunity is also found in many ancient Indian texts.
- India exports software to 90 countries.
- The four religions born in India - Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism, are followed by 25% of the world's population.
- Jainism and Buddhism were founded in India in 600 B.C. and 500 B.C. respectively.
- Islam is India's and the world's second largest religion.
- There are 300,000 active mosques in India, more than in any other country, including the Muslim world.
- The oldest European church and synagogue in India are in the city of Cochin. They were built in 1503 and 1568 respectively.
- Jews and Christians have lived continuously in India since 200 B.C. and 52 A.D. respectively
- The largest religious building in the world is Angkor Wat, a Hindu Temple in Cambodia built at the end of the 11th century.
- The Vishnu Temple in the city of Tirupathi built in the 10th century, is the world's largest religious pilgrimage destination. Larger than either Rome or Mecca, an average of 30,000 visitors donate $6 million (US) to the temple everyday.
- Sikhism originated in the Holy city of Amritsar in Punjab. Famous for housing the Golden Temple, the city was founded in 1577.
- Varanasi, also known as Benaras, was called "the Ancient City" when Lord Buddha visited it in 500 B.C., and is the oldest, continuously inhabited city in the world today.
- India provides safety for more than 300,000 refugees originally from Sri Lanka, Tibet, Bhutan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh, who escaped to flee religious and political persecution.
- His Holiness, the Dalai Lama, the exiled spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhists, runs his government in exile from Dharmashala in northern India.
- Martial Arts were first created in India, and later spread to Asia by Buddhist missionaries.
- Yoga has its origins in India and has existed for over 5,000 years.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
What do you seek, My Countrymen? Do you desire that I build for you gorgeus palaces, decorated with words of empty meanings, or Temples roofed with dreams? Or do you command me to destroy what the liars and tyrants have built? Shall I up root with my fingers what the hypocrites and the wicked have implanted? Speak your insane wish!
What is it you would have me do, my countrymen? Shall I purr like the kitten to satisfy you, or roar like the lion to please myself? I have sung for you, but you did not dance; I ahve wept before you, but you did not cry. Shall I sing and weep at the same time?
Your souls are suffering the pangs of hunger and yet thr fruit of knowledge is more plentiful than the stones of valleys.
Your hearts are withering from thirst, and yet the springs of life are streaming about your home - Why do you not dring?
The sea has its ebb and flow, the moons has its fullness and cresents, and the ages have their winter and summer, and all things vary like the shadow of an unborn god moving between Earth and Sun, but truth cannot be changed, nor will it pass away;
Why then do you enfeavor to disfigur its countenance?
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